Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Divorce Surprise: Taking Action Against A Default Divorce

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The whole idea of divorce can be a surprise to a spouse. When a relationship is troubled, one party may simply get fed up and take the initiative to file for a divorce. Finding out that a default divorce is about to be made final without your knowledge, however, is an entirely different matter. Read on to find out more about how default divorces work and what you need to do sooner rather than later to put a stop to it.…

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Injured in a Car Accident? Your Compensation To-Do List

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If you are injured in a car accident, it’s important to take action immediately in order to ensure your medical bills and other costs will be covered down the road. The right steps early on can mean fewer headaches and a better payout later, which you will need if you are unable to work or suffer other debilitating side effects. Follow this to-do list in order to make sure you don’t miss a step.…

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How to Fight Your Traffic Ticket If the Officer Was Driving Ahead of You

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If you’re determined to fight a traffic ticket, you should meet with a traffic attorney to discuss the angle that you’ll take. One option that can sometimes be effective is to argue that the officer who wrote the ticket wasn’t in a good position to clearly see your alleged driving infraction. This can be a tough argument to make in many cases, but you may have a legitimate point if the officer was driving ahead of you at the time that he or she pulled you over.…

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