Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Mediation Benefits Over Traditional Divorce Litigation

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If you are facing the potential of a divorce, it’s time to start thinking about the best way to settle things. Although the prevailing societal perception of divorce is often that of an aggressively contested, litigated dispute, the fact is that many divorces reach a settlement in mediation instead. When you want a solution that doesn’t include the level of conflict of litigation, consider mediation instead. Here are some of the things that you should understand about mediation as you approach your divorce.…

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Drug Testing And Workers' Compensation Claims

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Taking a drug test after an accident at work can feel like an invasion of privacy and even a suspicion on the part of your employer about whether or not you are to blame. All these feelings are valid and might even be accurate, but it is a necessary step in the workers’ compensation claims process in many instances.  Presumption of Guilt In most states, no law requires an employee to undergo a drug test after an accident at work.…

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Why It's A Good Idea To Contact A Workers Compensation Attorney If You're Suffering Due To A Work-Related Fall

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Work-related falls can happen in any workplace, including construction sites and office buildings. Although the authorities have outlined safety standards to protect workers from these types of accidents, an employer’s negligence or another employee’s failure to comply with safety protocols may cause you to fall and injure yourself. If you’ve suffered a work-related fall due to another person’s negligence, you should contact a workers’ compensation attorney. Here’s why this is a good idea:…

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