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Legally, Can The Power Company In Massachusetts Turn Off The Power If You Have A Baby?

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If you live in the state of Massachusetts and you have a baby in your home, you may be protected against having your electricity shut off. This is especially true if you are also having financial troubles and the disconnection is due to past due bills. This protection is because the state of Massachusetts has laws in place to protect low income families with small children from disconnection. If you are a low-income parent with small children, it is in your best interest to know more about how this works.…

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Social Media: How It Can Harm Your Persoanl Injury Case

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When you are planning to file a personal injury lawsuit, it is crucial that you carefully monitor what you are posting on your social media accounts. Social media is prevalent today, and much of what you post can possibly be used as evidence against you in court. The following are some things you should keep in mind when dealing with social media during a personal injury case: Access To Your Social Media Accounts…

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What Are The Legal Consequences For Bigamy?

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Bigamy is the act of getting married while you are already married to someone else. This act does carry legal consequences for individuals guilty of the offense. However, this will depend on the state where bigamy happened and the specific situation of the bigamist. Here’s all you need to know about the legal consequences for committing bigamy knowingly and unknowingly. What Constitutes as Bigamy? Bigamy only happens at the conclusion of a second marriage when the first marriage still stands and the former spouse is still alive.…

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