It is a scary thing to have happen to you or a loved one, being involved in a truck accident. You are more likely to be seriously injured or even killed during a crash with a truck. It can also be more complicated to get the compensation you may be entitled to after a truck accident as well. There are more moving parts and it’s typically not only the driver who can be held liable.…
When you are convicted of a DUI offense, your auto insurance rates will increase, and you risk accumulating harmful points to your driving records. The best way to navigate such consequences is by defending your DUI charge aggressively with the help of a DUI attorney. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may have your case dismissed or your charges reduced. Here are a few ways to have your charges reduced or case dropped.…
Resisting arrest is a crime you might be charged with if you interfere with the arrest of yourself or another individual. After this occurs, you might face potential jail time. To prevent this from happening, you’ll want to contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
How Resisting Arrest Can Occur
Resisting arrest often occurs when you engage in physical actions that prevent a police officer from carrying out the arrest.…