Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Were You Sexually Harrassed At Work? What You Should Do

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Whether you are male or female, being sexually harassed in the workplace can be beyond devastating. Whether you were sexually harassed verbally or physically, it’s not something that you should be quiet about, but you may not know what to do. Read on to learn more.  Go to Human Resources The first thing that you should do is go to your human resources department to file a sexual harassment complaint. Make sure that this complaint is taken very seriously, that it’s documented, and that you know exactly what they intend to do to the person who sexually harassed you.…

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Understanding A Few Types Of Product Liability

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If you have been injured in some way by a product, then you may be able to file a product liability claim. This type of lawsuit may allow you to receive money from the manufacturer, installer, or store that sold or installed the product into your home. When it comes to product liability, you should understand that there are a few different types of defects. It is important to identify the defect to understand who is liable for the injury.…

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What To Do If You're Ever Charged With Driving Under The Influence

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Being criminally charged with driving under the influence (DUI) is very serious business indeed. The penalties for this kind of charge can be life-changing, with everything from fines to actual jail time being on the table. It’s a pretty scary charge and you definitely want to minimize your chances of receiving the conviction. If you’ve already been charged with a DUI or if it ever happens to you in the future the tips below will help you understand what you need to do.…

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