Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Aging Parents? Two Reasons Why You Should Hire An Elder Law Attorney

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If you have parents who are getting up in years, you’re not alone.  The Baby Boomer generation is aging, and this brings with it a number of considerations.  Your parents may need help with planning their final wishes so that they can make sure that the things they want are carried out even if they are not cognizant.  That’s why it’s so vital for you to hire an elder law attorney.…

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Stay Classy During Your Bankruptcy: How To Comply With The Financial Education Requirements

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Vast numbers of people filing for bankruptcy for the second, third or even fourth time has prompted major changes to the Federal bankruptcy code. The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 was signed by President Bush in 2005, and requires that all filers complete financial education classes in an effort to prevent those people from becoming repeat filers. Two different classes must be completed: one prior to filing and one before your bankruptcy becomes final.…

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Make Your Home Affordable Or Get Rid Of It

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If your home is unaffordable, selling the home seems like an obvious solution. However, if you have little equity in the home, a traditional sale is not possible. However, there are a few options can help make a property more affordable or assist homeowners in ridding themselves of a home that they cannot afford. 1. Refinance Your Existing Mortgage. If you have a small amount of equity in your home, you may be eligible to refinance the balance owed to make the payments more affordable.…

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