Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Is Work Giving You Migraines? Will Workers' Comp Cover That?

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Migraines aren’t like ordinary headaches—they won’t go away with a couple of Advil and a glass of water. It’s estimated that 13% of U.S. adults have migraines and 2-3 million suffers have them as a chronic condition. All told, migraines rank as the 19th most common cause of disability according to the World Health Organization—but is it something that’s covered under workers’ comp? Are your migraines caused by your job?…

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Been In A Car Accident? Two Reasons Why You Should Hire An Attorney

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After you’ve been injured in a car accident, there are some important decisions that will need to be made. One of the most important of these decisions is how you’ll be compensated for your damages. The other party’s insurance company may be trying to get you to settle so that they can close the case. However, before you sign a settlement agreement, you need to hire a motor vehicle accident attorney.…

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Can a Teen Get a DUI for Driving Drunk?

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More than one million people are arrested for driving drunk each year—and not all of them are adults. Ten percent of teens admit that they’ve operated a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol, and alcohol plays a role in 17% of fatal car crashes that involve male or female drivers under the age of 21. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that figure jumps from 17% to 25% if you focus exclusively on teenage boys who drive while drunk.…

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