Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Three Cases In Which You Shouldn't Use Chapter 7 Bankruptcy For Business

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Both individuals and businesses can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Small businesses routinely use this route to wind down their operations; the responsibility of selling assets and paying back creditors falls into the hands of the trustee. However, not every insolvent small business should go down this route. For example, these three conditions should make you think twice before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy for your small business: You Haven’t Decided To Wind Down The Business…

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4 Tips To Help Prepare You To Testify In Your Divorce Case

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If you are going through a divorce and you and your former spouse cannot agree on the terms of your divorce, you may have to go to trial. If your case goes to trial, there is a big chance that you will have to testify in order to establish the facts of your case and present your side. Here are a few tips to help you testify on the stand.…

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4 Tips To Follow When Pulled Over For A DWI

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Being pulled over for a DWI is not a situation you ever want to put yourself in because of the legal obligations that you will face. Sometimes, though, you may be pulled over for a DWI for the wrong reasons. This is because an officer may believe you to be under the influence when you’re not or when you know you haven’t had enough to drink to be over the legal limit.…

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