Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

The Painful Issue Of Suing A Salon Customer

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 Hair is both a delicate body part and a delicate discussion at times. Most people concentrate on how their hair looks as it tends to frame their face and enhance their looks. As a salon owner your pride comes in seeing your customers happy with god customers. One of the first things that can happen to your reputation is your customer accusing you of ruining their hair. If you have a customer who is unjustly making claims about your salon, you may have to take the steps to sue them for defamation.…

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There's A Good Chance Your Ex-Spouse Is Hiding Income In The Gig Economy

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It’s always been a challenge getting non-custodial parents to pay their portion of child support. In 2013, parents owed approximately $32.9 billion of support, but only 68.5 percent of custodial parents received their payments. However, the burgeoning gig economy is making it even more difficult for custodial parents to get what’s due because it’s much easier for non-custodial payments to hide this money. Here’s more information about this issue and what you can do to make your ex-spouse pay.…

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What To Do If You're A Cyclist Who Has Been Hit By A Car

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Getting in any kind of car accident can cause serious injuries, but bicycle and auto accidents can be especially damaging. Because the rider is so exposed and so much smaller than the other vehicle, even a collision at low speed can cause lasting and severe injuries. If you’re a cyclist who has been in a car accident, here is a list of the first things you should do after the accident is over, even if you feel fine immediately after.…

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