Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

Considering A Fault Divorce? Find Out More

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All states allow married parties to divorce without having to name a specific fault. Many states term such divorces as “irreconcilable differences” or a marriage is “irretrievably broken”. However, most states still allow a spouse to name fault when filing for divorce as well. Read on to find out how this affects the divorce process.  What is Meant by Fault? Only certain pre-defined forms of fault can be cited. You cannot just say that you hate the way your spouse chews their food or that they work too much.…

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Errors That Can Make Your Will Null And Void And How Your Attorney Can Help You Avoid Them

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An estate plan is only effective if it adheres to state laws. For this reason, you must prepare the document according to the stipulated law requirements. Usually, the court will bar the implementation of a faulty will. Besides that, the probate judge might distribute the assets against your wishes, denying some heirs an opportunity to inherit what you had allocated to them.  The best way to create a legally binding will is by working with an experienced legal practitioner.…

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3 Reasons Families Need To Engage In Estate Planning

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When you have a family, you want to take care of them in every way possible. You purchase healthy foods for them. You drive safe vehicles, you make sure your kids brush their teeth and learn how to treat other people. You also need to plan your estate, as that is one of the best ways that you can protect your loved ones.  Reason #1: Protect Your Beneficiaries You don’t need a lot of wealth in order to want to protect your beneficiaries.…

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