Will Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work for You?

5 Tips For Proving PTSD During A Lawsuit After A Car Accident

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A bad car accident can leave you with more than just a broken arm or a sore neck. Traumatic experiences like wrecks are known to cause post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental condition that causes insomnia, anxiety, phobias of driving, lethargy, and other serious symptoms. If your life has changed drastically due to PTSD set off by a car accident, find out how to improve your chances of winning a settlement for your pain and suffering.…

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3 Ways To Make Your New Small Business A Huge Success

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Did you just recently start your very own small business? If so, here are a few tips to help your business become a major success that you may want to consider.  1. Advertise Like Crazy One of the very best things that you can do to help your business be successful is to do lots of advertising. You should do everything that you possibly can to help make potential customers aware of your new business.…

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3 Common Estate Planning Myths and the Truths behind Them

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No one likes to think about their death, but estate planning is a necessary part of adulthood. If you’re considering making an estate plan and putting it into place, you probably have a few inaccuracies floating around in your head. Below are three common estate planning myths and the truths behind them. Myth #1: Estate Planning Is Only for the Rich While the wealthy may have more assets to distribute upon their death, that does not in any way diminish your need to distribute yours.…

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